College of Charleston graduates earn a mid-career median salary of $72,100 per year according to the 2009 PayScale College Salary Report, released today. Also according to the report, graduates from the
College of Charleston earn a starting median salary of $36,200 per year.
Other universities in South Carolina on the list included Clemson University, Furman University and University of South Carolina, and all were in the same salary range.
The numbers are from 1.2 million users of PayScale’s site who self-reported their salaries and educational credentials in a PayScale survey over the last year. The data are not from a randomized scientific sample, and include only survey respondents whose highest academic degree is a bachelor’s and are currently employed full time.
Therefore, doctors, lawyers and others in high-paying jobs that require advanced degrees are not included in the data set. Salary is the sum of compensation from base salary, bonuses, profit sharing, commissions, and overtime, if applicable, but does not include equity (stock) compensation.
The site also lists most popular schools by job, most popular jobs by school, most popular jobs by major and degrees that pay you back.
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