The Department of Computer Science at the College of Charleston and the Consortium for Enterprise Systems Management, with support from The Citadel’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, is offering a free computer camp to high school sophomores and juniors on March 13, 20 and 27, 2010. Students will learn about IT concepts, computer development, and software development, and will be introduced to career opportunities in computing and IT. Each student will get to build and take home their own laptop. Students were chosen through a competitive application process.
Twenty students will spend three consecutive Saturdays in March working with College of Charleston Computer Science professors, students, and BlueCross/Blue Shield technology professionals. High-school students in attendance will have the opportunity to learn from current College of Charleston computer science students about the various study abroad, internship and research opportunities available within the computer science department. The students will begin to understand what being a computer science student and professional is like. They will tour the College campus, tour Blue Ion, LLC, a premiere, local interactive marketing agency, and hear from CS alumni about computer careers, “which are growing faster than the College can produce computer science graduates,” according to Chris Starr, chair of Computer Science at the College of Charleston.
The mission of the Lowcountry Computer Science Camp is to motivate high-achieving, South Carolina Lowcountry high school students with a proven record of accomplishment to pursue an interest in computer science at College of Charleston and ultimately a career in a computing field. A second camp will be held in spring 2011.
For more information, please contact the Computer Science Department 843.953.6905.