The Historic Preservation and Community Planning Program in the Department of Art History in the College of Charleston’s School of the Arts presents the inaugural Simons Medal of Excellence to the Honorable Joseph P. Riley, Jr., on April 15, 2010. The presentation of the award will take place at 7 p.m. in the Albert Simons Center for the Arts, room 309.

The Albert Simons Medal of Excellence was established in honor of the Twentieth Anniversary of the School of the Arts.  Albert Simons pioneered the teaching of art at the College of Charleston, and the medal honors individuals who have excelled in one or more of the areas in which Albert Simons excelled, including civic design, architectural design, historic preservation and urban planning.  The medal will be awarded every other year.

As mayor of Charleston for over 30 years, Mayor Riley has made many beneficial decisions for the improvement of the city and has extended that expertise to many cities and towns across the country by creating the National Mayor’s Design Institute.  This program brings mayors together to talk about issues of design and economic development and has been very beneficial to places across the nation.  He has received many accolades for his tireless efforts including, most recently, the National Medal of Arts which was awarded to him in person by the President Obama.

For more information about the award, contact Diane Miller at 843.953.3888.