The College of Charleston’s programs for interested multicultural students are growing in popularity. The first Multicultural Overnight Visit Experience (M.O.V.E.) during 2010-2011 is full, however students can still attend the AALANA (African American, Latino, Asian, Native American) Preview Day on Saturday, September 25.
AALANA Preview Day is held on campus from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and students will have the opportunity to learn more about financial aid, interact with professor, meet currently enrolled AALANA students and attend mini-workshops.
M.O.V.E. is an overnight program offered for students from diverse backgrounds who are interested in attending the College. The Friday, September 24 program is full, however other programs will be offered on Friday, October 15, Sunday January 16 and Friday, March 18.
“Students who have participated in M.O.V.E. previously are generating excitement at their schools and as a result, more and more students are interested,” says Debbie Counts, associate director of admissions. “We’re working to make the experience even better by offering M.O.V.E. in conjunction with campus events like open houses, MLK Challenge Service Day and Accepted Student Weekend.”
During M.O.V.E a currently enrolled minority student hosts participants and they stay overnight with that student in one of the College’s eight residence halls. Participants also have the opportunity to meet other College of Charleston students, experience campus life and find out about programs, like pre-professional opportunities.
The overnight is free of charge, but space is extremely limited. For more information, contact Debbie Counts at 843.953.4954. More information on M.O.V.E.