If you’ve ever been to the College’s dining hall, you’ve probably noticed the great quantity of tables. Over the course of my four years at the College, I think I may have taken a seat at each one of them. Those seats were taken either alone or in the company of others. I’ve much preferred the latter.
I’ve met many students and have been even more fortunate to consider some of them as friends. As I think about my time in Charleston, something occurred to me: My College friends can be divided into those who eat in the dining hall and those who do not. The ones that do have also tended to be my closest of friends.
I imagine that most students’ memories concerning their college years revolve around the classes they’ve had or the parties they’ve attended. But mine, I foresee, will revolve around the meals I’ve shared with people in the Fresh Food Company.
I take this moment to thank all of the people who have ever shared a meal with me, whether I invited them or they invited me to the table. You’ve been my true teachers of the liberal arts and sciences. We’ve debated. We’ve shared opinions and philosophies.
The Fresh Food Company may not be the most historic place on such a historic campus, but for me, it’s where most of my College memories have been made.
– Matthew Sanders ’11
E-mail us at magazine@cofc.edu with your favorite place on campus and what makes it so special to you.