In his new book titled “The Sound and Fury of Sarah Palin,” College of Charleston Communication Professor Chris Lamb presents a wry analysis of one of the nation’s most controversial politicians. Using the words of conservative commentators such as David Brooks, Kathleen Parker, Steve Chapman and David Frum, Lamb dissects Palin and claims she is a threat, not just to American politics, but also to the conservative movement itself. Along with the quotes, Lamb mixes in more than 30 political cartoons by Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonists to illustrate his points.
“When things become so ludicrous that only satirists can describe what’s going on, you turn to them,” says Lamb. “All political cartoons are exaggerations, but in that exaggeration rests a truth.”
The 218-page book is published by FrontLine Press.
Lamb is a recognized scholar in such fields as editorial cartooning, political humor, the press and the integration of baseball. He is the author of five books including I’ll Be Sober in the Morning: Great Political Comebacks, Putdowns & Ripostes; Wry Harvest: An Anthology of Midwest Humor; and Drawn to Extremes: The Use and Abuse of Editorial Cartoons.
In recent years, Lamb has appeared on The NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams, MSNBC, National Public Radio (NPR), Public Broadcasting System (PBS), the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and The Sporting News radio network and has been interviewed by such newspapers, magazines and wire services as The Associated Press, Reuters, The National Journal, The Washington Journalism Review, Editor and Publisher, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, and the Christian Science Monitor.