November is Native American History Month and the College of Charleston is hosting several free, public events to recognize how the first Americans made significant contributions to the establishment and growth of the United States. Programs will also address realities, misconceptions and stereotypes as well as provide a hands-on experience of Native American tradition.
On Thursday, November 8, 2012, Multicultural Student Programs and Services will provide materials to make your own dream catcher. The workshop will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the MSPS conference room (207 Calhoun Street). Hanging a dream catcher above a sleeping person is a Native American tradition. As the legend goes, dream catchers filter dreams from the night air, letting only the good dreams or important messages through.
Then, on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, the third annual “Native American Indians and Their Histories: Native America Before and After 1492” will be presented at 2:30 p.m. in the Stern Center Ballroom (located at the corner of George and Coming Streets). Refreshments will be provided. The discussion will be facilitated by associate history professor and Native American expert Chris Boucher and assistant professor of political science Annette Watson. They will focus on the dynamics and antiquities of the Native American Indian, federal vs. state tribes, movie and film interpretation, Thanksgiving: Indians and pilgrims, sports mascots/logos, government, money, wealth and land, casinos, military service, food/survival, traditional medicine, Native American traditional clothes, and myths.
“Our goal is to help our students be successful, and success means understanding and embracing diversity and multiculturalism,” says David Michener, Associate Director of Multicultural Student Programs and Services. “We empower students to be agents of social change. And events like Native American History Month are the first step.”
Earlier events included the documentary, “Reel Injun”, about how Native Americans have been depicted in Hollywood, from the silent film era to the present.
To learn more about Native American History month programs or other multicultural student programs and services at the College of Charleston, visit