College of Charleston Senior Education Fellow Terry Peterson has been an advocate for struggling students for decades, and on Tuesday, February 5, 2013, Peterson will celebrate the release of the new book, Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool & Summer Learning for Student Success. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. and will include an author discussion with a number of national education and community leaders, a book signing and live webinar. RSVP or sign up to watch the webcast.


Peterson is the executive editor of the groundbreaking compendium, which is the result of 2 1/2 years of work and includes stories and research from more than 100 authors, including top researchers from around America, education leaders (including state and local superintendents and head of the nation’s principal and curriculum association), local leaders ranging from mayors to the United Way and county government, important community institutions, ranging from libraries and museums to hospitals, arts, private employers and colleges.

“I have seen first hand that quality afterschool and summer programs work, and programs all over the country are making a positive difference for student success,” says Peterson, an education fellow in the College’ School of Education, Health, and Human Performance and Director of the Afterschool Community Learning Network.  “Here in Charleston, WINGS is providing opportunities for struggling students in several elementary schools to grow socially, emotionally and academically. In Rhode Island, potential high school dropouts are earning legitimate credits toward graduation by doing projects in their community. In Dallas, thousands of students who were failing during the school year were promoted to the next grade by completing engaging afterschool and summer learning programs that integrate the arts and music into the basics.”

Peterson hopes Expanding Minds and Opportunities will convince local, state, and national decision makers to invest in afterschool and summer programs and make them more readily available in communities with struggling children and youth. He says the book will also serve as a valuable resource to help program leaders expand and improve the work they are already doing with students.

For more information, contact Amber Taylor at 703.201.4893.