The Executive Committee of the College of Charleston Board of Trustees will hold a meeting on October 10, 2013.  The meeting will be held in the Randolph Hall Boardroom starting at 10 a.m.  The following is the agenda for the meeting:

  1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
  2. Motion to approve July 18, 2013 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve August 1, 2013 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

  1. Information Items
  1. President’s Report
  1. Discussion Items

●       Motions required at full Board meeting

○       Academic Affairs Committee

□    Awarding of Degrees at December Commencement

□    Terminate Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Service-oriented Computing

□    Masters in Child Life Program

○     Budget and Finance Committee

□    Quarterly Budget Adjustments for Period Ending September 30,


□    Awards Program

○       Trustee Emeritus Status for Retiring Board Members

Action Items

VII.       New Business

VIII.    Old/Unfinished Business

IX.        Executive Session

●       Legal Counsel will consult and provide legal advice on Litigation, including actual and potential legal claims

●       Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property

X.         Adjourn