The government shutdown has now been underway for two weeks and confidence in elected leaders continues to decline.  According to a recent Gallup Poll, Congress has an 11 percent approval rating. And with the debt-ceiling looming, things seem likely to get worse before they get better.

College of Charleston professors give their expert opinions on the debt ceiling, impacts to real estate, and the growing partisan politics.

In a recent op-ed, College of Charleston political science professors Gibbs Knotts and Jordan Ragusa make the case for who should and shouldn’t be blamed. “Don’t blame the South or the tea party – both are functions of larger national dynamics. The blame should lie with polarization and partisanship. The government will eventually reopen and a budget will be passed, but governance in our polarized political climate will continue to be a challenge.”

Is Political Compromise a Lost Art?Gibbes Knotts and Jordan Ragusa

Will the Government Shutdown Cause Problems for Real Estate?Elaine Worzala

Will the Government Shutdown Have a Major Impact on the College of Charleston?Mike Auerbach

The Debt Ceiling and YouMark Witte