U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) will stop at the South Carolina Marine Resources Center, which includes the College of Charleston’s Grice Marine Lab, on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at 2:45 p.m. as part of his “climate change road trip.” Senator Whitehouse will hear about climate-related research being conducted by staff and faculty from the College of Charleston, Medical University of South Carolina, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Institutes of Standards and Technology.
He has been urging Congress to take action on this urgent issue and as part of that effort, he will be touring areas along the southeast coast of the U.S. that are threatened by rising seas and other climate change impacts.
“Climate change is among the most serious issues facing Rhode Island. It affects our economy, our homes and businesses, and our very way of life,” said Whitehouse. “This road trip will be an opportunity for me to see how climate change is affecting other areas of our country; to hear about what states are doing to address climate threats; and to bring new ideas back to Washington as I continue working to get Congress to wake up and take action on this issue.”