Do you have any plans for this summer?
If you are interested in data-driven next-generation genomics, bioinformatics, or data science, you may have plans now.
The College of Charleston will be hosting a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) 10-week program this summer for 10 students. Students trained in the program will gain skills in lab research, develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, understand the process of science, and be able to communicate their research results to their peers and the general public.
Students will also have an opportunity to present their results at a national conference.
This REU Site program will focus on integrative research that spans the areas of genomics, bioinformatics, data mining, data science, molecular biology and evolution. Example interdisciplinary projects include the application of next-generation DNA sequencing data production and analysis to understand and investigate genomes of both model and non-model organisms through the development and application of computational tools and algorithms from fields such as data mining, machine learning, and data science.
Teams of both biologists and computer scientists will employ novel and existing algorithms for integrating molecular and organismal biology with studies of ecology, behavior, and evolution.
More information is available by contacting Paul Anderson at or Andrew M. Shedlock at