Message from College of Charleston President Glenn McConnell:
Dear Campus Community:
Charleston experienced one of the worst moments in its history last night with the shooting at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church on Calhoun Street. Our entire campus community sends its thoughts and prayers to the families and loved ones affected by this senseless and unthinkable tragedy.
Of course, we are all reeling in shock right now, and it is only natural to concentrate on the heinous crime and its disturbed perpetrator. However, I encourage everyone to take a moment and remember the innocent men and women who were killed. By celebrating who they were as people of faith and what they stood for, we do more to honor their memories and their lives.
And right now, I want to do just that. Last night, we lost one of our state’s brightest young lawmakers and spiritual leaders: Reverend Clementa Pinckney. I had the honor of serving side by side with him for many years in the State Senate. Reverend Pinckney was a remarkable man and a consistent voice of compassion and reason in the State House. His leadership moved our state forward in a variety of areas, from education and medical affairs, to his most recent work on body cameras for the police force. He will forever serve as a source of pride and inspiration for all South Carolinians.
As I am sure Reverend Pinckney would have counseled in this dark moment, the violent act of one must not define us. Rather, we must let the world see how we can and will come together and support one another in our most difficult times. That is the true measure of the people of Charleston. That is our most powerful witness in the face of evil. And together, we stand unified and unbroken.
Sincerely yours,
Glenn F. McConnell ’69