Packing for your first year of college is at least as stressful as actually moving into your residence hall; you’re taking 18 years of your life – books, clothes, posters and gadgets – cramming them into boxes and preparing to share them with a new roommate for the next nine months.
To make the packing process easier, the College of Charleston has provided a few helpful do’s and don’ts.

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Do: Can opener.
Canned foods = your new best friends. The can opener is the glue that makes the friendship last.
Don’t: Things you light on fire.
Candles, incense, other items you keep around exclusively to set on fire… Leave ‘em at home. They’ll still be there when you visit for breaks.
Do: Coffee maker.
You won’t regret it. Never made coffee and terrified of coming off as an amateur in front of your new roommate? Fear not, Folgers has an extremely high-quality how-to guide for you to pore over before move in.
Don’t: Fireworks.
Surprisingly not obvious! But in keeping with the non-flammables theme, the College prohibits fireworks and other explosives on campus. (The City of Charleston also prohibits fireworks, for the record.)
Do: Category 5 Ethernet cable.
Wifi is available throughout much of campus, but in residence halls these simple cords (with, let’s face it, a pretty cool name) are your key to Internet access. Don’t leave home without one.
Don’t: Halogen lamps.
Because: fire.
Do: Small vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum cleaners go for as little as $20 on Amazon and can make a world of difference in all of five minutes. All those dry macaroni pieces that scattered across your floor when you ripped the Easy Mac package open? Gone! It’s like magic, but better.
Don’t: Cinder blocks.
It may be hard to imagine parting with your precious childhood cinderblock, but for some reason these are forbidden in residence halls.
Do: A microwave.
*IF* your residence hall doesn’t come outfitted with one, but many do. You will need the microwave for the aforementioned Easy Mac.
Side note: Instant mac and cheese requires water. It may seem like a given, but many a fire alarm has gone off due to waterless mac and cheese-microwave incidents.
Don’t: Drum sets.
Playing a drum kit in your dorm room is a surefire way to make enemies of your neighbors, and quickly. If you’re interested in playing the drums, though, consider taking one of the College’s percussion courses taught by its excellent faculty musicians.
Do: Mattress pad.
Nothing can replace your bed at home, but a good mattress pad can go a long way toward making your new room feel more comfortable. Make sure to get a twin XL size.
Don’t: Water bed.
As much as the residence life staff wants you to feel at home in your residence hall, a water bed is one of those things you’ll just have to do without. When you need to feel like you’re floating, just visit one of Charleston’s three scenic beaches for a swim!
For more information on what to bring and what to leave behind, see this list from the Department of Residence Life and Housing.