The College of Charleston School of Business Carter Real Estate Center has selected a team of students to participate in the 2017 Real Confidence University Challenge (RCUC).

The year-long Real Confidence University Challenge requires students to create a cohesive portfolio showcasing the team’s simulated real estate endeavors, in which they invest up to $1 billion in capital. The prize for the team with the highest return is $50,000.

Altus Group, The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT), and the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), national and global leaders in the real estate industry, have sponsored the challenge since its onset in 2015.

The team will be the third from the College of Charleston to enter RCUC, competing against 37 other universities. CofC senior Scott Nord and professor Kenneth Soyeh will spearhead team efforts as team captain and faculty advisor, respectively.

Soyeh, an associate professor in the Department of Real Estate and industry professional, thinks that RCUC is a perfect fit for students in the School of Business. “The challenge will require students to utilize many of the skills taught and employed in the classroom. At the School of Business, we hope that every student graduates with an experience like this under their belts.”

The Carter Real Estate Center (CREC) turns College of Charleston students into industry experts, ready to work in an increasingly competitive field. A collaboration among students, faculty and industry leaders – CREC prepares students for success with practical solutions and real industry insight.