College of Charleston “In the News” is a round-up of news articles featuring College faculty, staff, students and alumni. Recent media coverage of CofC includes:
CofC Students Win Top Prize for Pickup Sports App
Charleston CEO has a story about a smartphone app developed by two College of Charleston computer science students.
Charleston commission removes most critical language from new Calhoun plaque
History professor Bernard Powers talks to The Post and Courier about a proposed plaque on the John C. Calhoun monument.
College of Charleston area gets fancy, updated street signs
The City Paper writes about new street signs for the College.
Higher Education Leader to Deliver College of Charleston Winter Commencement Address
The Charleston Regional Business Journal previews the College’s winter commencement ceremony.
CofC’s Miss Judy is the face of the Swipe Away Student Hunger Campaign
The City Paper writes about the College’s student hunger campaign.
Report outlines ‘haunting story’ of racial economic disparity
The Charleston Regional Business Journal looks at the College’s recently released racial disparity report.