“I don’t have time to exercise.”
“I can’t afford a trainer, and I need motivation to exercise on my own.”
“I get too bored to stick with a fitness routine.”
If any of these “reasons” have kept you from getting into shape, well, Campus Recreation Services (CRS) is making sure you have no more excuses. With more early morning, lunchtime and evening group fitness classes than ever before, the CRS fall 2019 schedule is packed with everything from Community Yoga to Indoor Cycling – all free to faculty and staff!
“The new schedule is a reflection of the President’s Office’s commitment to faculty and staff,” says Bucky Buchanan ’08, assistant director of CRS. “The administration is serious about the health of our faculty and staff, and we’re really excited to be going in this direction.”
Dedicating a class – Cougar Fit – solely to faculty and staff shows the College’s commitment to its employees. This free circuit training/HIIT–based class meets in room 201 of the Johnson Center at 5:15 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Aug. 19, 2019, to Dec. 6, 2019. No registration is required for this class.
RELATED: Find out all about Cougar Fit, the free group fitness class just for faculty and staff.
But Cougar Fit is just one option! With eight different kinds of classes at 23 different times during the week, you’re not going to get bored – and there’s plenty of time to shape up! All of these classes are free to faculty and staff.
Here’s a list of what’s available, when:

Please note that CofC faculty and staff have free access to all CRS group fitness classes, though registration is strongly advised. The Group Fitness package is available to students for $42/semester.
7–7:55 a.m.: Indoor Cycling
12–12:45 p.m.: Core Blast
4–4:45 p.m.: Total Body Training
5:15–6:15 p.m: Cougar Fit
5:30–6:30 p.m.: Community Yoga
7:05–8:05 a.m.: Cougar X-Training
12:30–1:30 p.m.: Power Yoga
5:30–6:30 p.m.: Power Yoga
6:30–7:15 p.m.: HIIT
12–12:45 p.m.: Core Blast
4–4:45 p.m.: Total Body Training
5:15–6:15 p.m: Cougar Fit
5:30–6:30 p.m.: Community Yoga
6:45–7:45 p.m.: Indoor Cycling
12:30–1:20 p.m.: Power Yoga
3:30–4:30 p.m.: HIIT
5–6 p.m.: Indoor Cycling
8–9 p.m.: Power Yoga
7–7:55 a.m.: Indoor Cycling
4–4:45 p.m.: Total Body Training
5:15–6:16 p.m.: Cougar-X Training
5:15–6:15 p.m: Cougar Fit
9:05–10:05 a.m.: Cougar-X Training
Please note that, other than Cougar Fit, all other classes are held Aug. 26–Dec. 6, 2019, in the George Street Fitness Center Activity Room and registration is strongly advised, as they fill up quickly. Registration opens approximately 24 hours prior to the class. To register, simply create an account on IMLeagues, click “Events” and reserve your spot in the desired class(es). You may also use the sign-up calendar.
If group classes aren’t for you, don’t worry, there are other options!
Employees have free access to the treadmills, free weights, recumbent bicycles, weight machines, elliptical machines and rowing machines in the F. Mitchell Johnson Physical Education Center’s exercise deck and may also purchase a George Street Fitness Center Employee Passes for $50/semester.
“There really is something for everyone,” says Sara Coleman ’17, a certified strength and conditioning specialist with a master’s in health, exercise and sports sciences as well as several other gold standard certifications in the fitness industry. In her new role as the CRS fitness coordinator, she is focusing on fitness programing and corrective exercise assessments for faculty, staff and students. “We have big plans! I really want to connect more, get deeper and be better.”
“As the new fitness coordinator, Sara is here to help those within the College community by answering questions, providing personal/group training sessions and growing our group fitness program by supervising internship opportunities,” says Buchanan, adding that Coleman’s popular personal fitness program exclusively for faculty and staff, “Tuesdays with Sara,” will continue this semester. Held 12–1 p.m. every Tuesday in the Johnson Center, these sessions focus on improving fitness by identifying dysfunctions, developing a plan of action and implementing corrective exercise solutions. Employees may walk in or schedule an appointment.
RELATED: Read more about Tuesdays with Sara.
“These classes are meant to guide you to the proper route to build a strong fitness foundation or to improve on what you are currently doing,” says Buchanan. “Each checkpoint looks for common movement compensations, allowing the formulation of a proper exercise prescription. The goal is to make sure you are able to do your best, maintain movement efficiency and help avoid injury.”
To that end, College of Charleston employees also can get free fitness assessments of their current cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition and/or join the Weight Management Program, which focuses on physical activity and exercise; stress management, self-regulation techniques; and mindfulness strategies.
Indeed, when it comes to shaping up, CRS has really given you no more excuses this semester!