Do you love being a College of Charleston Cougar? Do you want to show your Cougar Pride to the world? As we begin a new academic year, follow our tips to make sure the world knows that you love your school!
Visit the College of Charleston Stores
For those in need of the perfect maroon sweatshirt, a jaunty scarf, a CofC golf shirt or a Clyde the Cougar stuffed animal, there’s the College of Charleston Bookstore at 160 Calhoun St. or The College Corner at 327 King St. Visit during the week and on weekends to find an abundance of CofC gear and gifts. Pair a CofC baseball cap with a Nike fleece pullover hoodie, and you’re all set.
Download the College of Charleston Ringtone
Get your Cougar spirit on with the College of Charleston ringtones, featuring our CofC Cheerleaders and a special rendition of The Charleston. All proceeds go to the College of Charleston Fund.
Cougars in the Community
Show your Cougar Pride by giving back to the community through volunteering. The Center for Civic Engagement offers students service opportunities with local nonprofit organizations that range from one-day events to ongoing opportunities. Get involved!
Tag Us on Social Media
Are you following us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook? Be sure to tag us when you share your post! Use #cofc or #thecollege or #cofc23 to ensure we see it, and we can share it!
Support Your CofC Sports Teams
What better way to show off your love for the Cougar Nation than attending a CofC Athletics event. Take your choice from baseball to volleyball to basketball. There are games all school year. The best part? Student tickets are free.
Give Back
Philanthropy at the College is not defined by the type or size of the gift. What matters is the belief, commitment and desire to be an active part of the College’s future. Your support impacts every corner of our campus from scholarships to research funds for faculty to academic programs to cutting-edge technology.
And Amazon offers an easy way to show some Cougar love and give back to CofC while you shop. Simply go to, select your charity of choice – College of Charleston Foundation – and shop! The AmazonSmile Foundation will then donate 0.5 percent of your eligible purchases to the College.
Study Up
What shows Cougar Pride better than all the maroon gear in the world? Making the most of your education. In between the games and events, be sure to make us proud by making the most of your education and going out into the world to make a difference. Go Cougars!