All College of Charleston staff and faculty have access to Office 365, allowing them to use applications like Word, Excel and PowerPoint from anywhere, at any time, using any device with an internet connection.

As part of its ongoing efforts to help the College of Charleston community get the most out of  Microsoft Office 365, the Division of Information Technology is holding a series of learning opportunities this month to demonstrate best practices and essential concepts of  Microsoft Forms.

Forms is a Microsoft Office 365 application that allows users to easily create surveys, quizzes and polls and then view results, number of responses, average time to complete and status of the form in real time or in Excel. It’s even possible to embed the form on webpages and edit settings to allow anonymous results.

These one-hour training sessions will explore all these functions and more:

  • Tuesday, September 17, Facebook Live: Tech Talk Tuesday
  • Tuesday, September 24, 10–11 a.m., Robert Scott Small Building, room 131: Using Microsoft Forms
  • Wednesday, September 25, 9:30–10:30 a.m.: Webinar Wednesday, RSVP for link
  • Thursday, September 26, 10–11 a.m., BellSouth Building, room 519: Using Microsoft Forms

Bring your device and follow along with us as we explore Microsoft Forms.

For more information and to RSVP, email IT Training Program Coordinator Teena Ham.