Name: David G. Katz

Hometown: Monticello, New York

Education: Bachelor in business admin, minor in economics

Job title: Treasurer

How long have you worked at the College? Since August 2005

What are your job responsibilities? The Treasurer’s Office handles all the banking for the College, all billing and accounts receivable, legal residency, tax compliance, loan accounting, e-commerce, payment security, plus what ever else is handed to us.

What do you like most about your job? I like working with the students, parents and coworkers. We have a lot of good people here.

What question do you get asked most in your job? There are so many things that we handle that there really is no one typical question. However, I am asked quite often about legal residency.

What’s your favorite location on campus and why? I love to sit in the Cistern Yard and have lunch on one of the benches (when it’s not too hot). I can relax, and there are no phones ringing.

What are your hobbies? I play guitar and travel.

What personal and/or professional accomplishment are you most proud of? I’m very proud of the way we’ve automated many of the processes in the office that allow students and parents to handle business online without having to wait in line at the office.

Name a creative work (book, movie, performance, etc.) you enjoyed recently and why? I read (and reread, etc.) Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. I found most of it fascinating but I cannot say that I understand most of it.

What was your favorite TV show growing up? Bugs Bunny cartoons, Monty Python’s Flying Circus and The Goodies. If you know me and my odd sense of humor, that would make sense.

What’s next on your bucket list? Travel to countries in Europe that I’ve not yet seen. Portugal is up next.

What is something your campus colleagues would be surprised to know about you? I’ve been together with the same lovely woman for nearly three decades, and we’ve neglected to get married … and plan to keep it that way.

What was your first job? Working as an electrician in the family business.

What’s your favorite Lowcountry restaurant? There are many restaurants that I love, but I recently enjoyed Maison, Zero George and Opal.

Describe your perfect day: Waking up and playing with our dogs, relaxing, swimming and then dinner out. Followed by a good night’s sleep.

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