College of Charleston “In the News” is a weekly round-up of news articles featuring College faculty, staff, students or alumni. Recent media coverage of the College includes:
College of Charleston now has 18 confirmed cases of mumps
The Associated Press writes about the confirmed cases of mumps at CofC.
Elizabeth Warren is having a moment, but will it translate into South Carolina momentum?
Political science professor Gibbs Knotts talks to The Post and Courier about the South Carolina primary.
College of Charleston and Naval Information Warfare Center Enter Partnership
Charleston CEO looks at the new partnership between the Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic (NIWC) and the School of Sciences and Mathematics.
Review: At the College of Charleston, a composer lives on through music, words and images
The Post and Courier reviews a program that featured the music of Spanish composer and pianist Joaquin Rodrigo.
Global Journalist: Overtourism on the Rise
History professor Lisa Covert talks about the overtourism problem during a panel discussion on Missouri NPR station KBIA.
College of Charleston Podcast: Bernard Powers on The Life and Legacy of Denmark Vesey
Charleston Chronicle reports on a podcast featuring Bernard Powers.
Should Charleston guides give up the ghost on dark tourism?
The City Paper interviews history professor Scott Poole about ghost tours.