The College of Charleston Office of Institutional Diversity (OID) invites faculty and staff to a brownbag lunch in the Robert Scott Small Building, room 241, from 12–1 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31, 2020, to learn how to create their own learning communities through OID’s Access, Inclusion, Responsiveness, and Equity (A.I.R.E.) initiative. Another general session will be held at 12 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20, for those who are unable to attend in January.
A.I.R.E. Learning Communities are voluntary groups of employees who share a common demographic, life stage, function or alternative identity. Aligned with the College’s mission and vision, these groups meet regularly to foster an inclusive and equitable workplace at the College through social, informal learning activities for faculty and staff. Examples of A.I.R.E. Learning Communities that are being developed include the Faculty and Staff Committed to Anti-racism Learning Community and the Whipper-Grant Learning Community.
A.I.R.E. Learning Communities are overseen by an A.I.R.E. Learning Community Leader, who serves as a liaison between the group, OID and its director of diversity education and training to ensure the learning community is providing regular inclusion and equity training opportunities as well as activities that foster professional and social support for group members.
Any faculty or staff member who wants to become a A.I.R.E. Learning Community Leader may apply through this online application form, which is also available on the OID’s A.I.R.E. Learning Communities webpage.
Faculty and staff who are interested in developing an A.I.R.E. Learning Community may register for the Jan. 31 or the Feb. 20 learning session using this link.