Name: Daron Lee Calhoun II
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Education: Morehouse College
Job title: Facilities Manager and Outreach and Public Programming Coordinator, Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture; Director, Race and Social Justice Initiative
How long have you worked at the College? 7 1/2 years
What are your job responsibilities? (Pick One!) I run the Avery facilities, direct all public programming and community outreach for the center, direct the Race and Social Justice Initiative housed at the Avery and supervise 5–10 student employees.
What do you like most about your job? Being able to impact the community by connecting the past to the present.
What question do you get asked most in your job and what’s your typical answer? Are you all busy down there?? 😐
What’s your favorite location on campus and why? The Avery Research Center’s McKinley Washington Auditorium.
What are your hobbies? I am a craft beer collector, trader and enthusiast, and I enjoy cooking.
What personal and/or professional accomplishment are you most proud of? Getting the Avery back open after renovations.
Name a creative work (book, movie, performance, etc.) you enjoyed recently and why? The Beautiful Ones by Prince.
What was your favorite TV show growing up? In Living Color
What’s next on your bucket list? Run for political office. (Stay tuned!)
What is something your campus colleagues would be surprised to know about you? I collect Starbucks cups ….
What was your first job? Selling candy for my sister: “Two for Three, Get One Free!”
What’s your favorite Lowcountry restaurant? Nana’s Seafood
Describe your perfect day: The day I get no emails ….
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