The Division of Information Technology Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Mark Staples sent out the following message to College of Charleston faculty and staff on March 19, 2020:
Working remotely for long periods of time can be challenging for all of us because we generally have many more resources available to us in the office (i.e., printers, software, multiple displays, paper files, etc.). As we are preparing to continue instruction next week and continue with the business of the College from places other than our campus offices, communication and collaboration is going to be paramount. Email messages often get missed or buried, especially as we’re seeing the use of email spiking. Even so, we will be sending out one daily email of tech tips from this account. On top of this message, we will be regularly posting more information and tips on Yammer in the CIO, IT Support and Information Security groups.
While you may not regularly use Yammer now, I would encourage you to download the Yammer app to your computer, mobile phone, and/or tablet. Because Yammer is a social media platform, we cannot administratively force personnel to join groups or subscribe to them for notifications. So, you will need to do that yourself. I’ve included instructions below. Because these are threaded discussions, it will be easier to parse through information when you need it.
Links to download the Yammer App for Windows and Mac
Setting up Yammer on Your Mobile Phone
There are over 130 groups. Click at the bottom to “Discover More Groups.” For the purpose of overall communication regarding our current work situation, below are the recommended groups:
For Employees:
- Faculty and Staff Announcements
- Human Resources
- CIO Corner
- IT Support
- Information Security
Additional for Faculty:
- Teaching and Learning Team (TLT)
- Faculty Senate
Other tips in Yammer
- Here are a few tips to ensure data security during these times
- Zoom Apps for Mobile Devices
- There’s a lot fake news out there – be cautious.
- Collaborating with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- KEY TIPS for Zoom Conferencing
We hope these tips are helpful.
Mark A. Staples
Sr. Vice President & Chief Information Officer
College of Charleston | Information Technology