After six months away from campus, students are returning to the College of Charleston this week.

With new protocols and set-ups across classrooms, dining halls and residence halls aimed at maximizing the health and wellness of students, faculty and staff, CofC is ready to kick-off the fall 2020 semester in person on Monday, Sept. 14, 2020.

It will be different, but together we can make this a successful semester. Go Cougars!

Students living in on-campus housing began moving in on Friday, Sept. 11, with designated move-in times at residence halls across campus. CofC President Andrew T. Hsu greeted students and parents as they arrived. Photos by Heather Moran

Campus life this fall will be as vibrant as it’s always been, with students attending classes, studying at Addlestone Library, working out at one of the College’s gyms, grabbing a socially distanced bite at one of the dining halls and meeting friends at the Johnson/Silcox Gym for a friendly game of volleyball or badminton.ย Photos by Heather Moran

On Sept. 8, 2020, the College’s senior leadership met in person for the first time since the fall semester began. Senior leadership continued to meet weekly all summer virtually. Abiding by the College’s policies for social distancing and wearing face coverings, President Andrew T. Hsu, Executive Vice President for Student Affairs Alicia Caudill and others met in a Tate Center classroom to finalize plans for students’ return to campus. Photos by Heather Moran