Above photo taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During Women’s History Month – celebrated annually each March – the College of Charleston reflects on the myriad contributions women and gender-diverse communities have made, and continue to make, on the growth and identity of the institution.
The work is far from finished; on campus and off, and persistent challenges to women remain. To tackle these issues head on, the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center (GSEC) is collaborating with College and public partners to host this year’s Gender Equity Week, March 8-12, 2021.
“The purpose of Gender Equity Week is to build community and invite reflection on the many ways that gender shapes our identities, experiences and societal structures locally and globally,” says GSEC Interim Director Kristi ‘Kaj’ Brian. “The events throughout the week are designed to inspire and empower our students and our community. Students will have the opportunity to learn from the authors, panelists and presenters while building the awareness and skills necessary to negotiate for equitable wages, to navigate gender dynamics at work and to explore the importance of gender pronouns and expansive gender identities.”
In support of the College’s mission to create equity in learning and living on campus and beyond, GSEC promotes non-discrimination policies and equal protection for all individuals regardless of ability, race, class, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation or religion. GSEC advocates for a culture of resistance against inequality, judgment, prejudice and bias in all its forms.
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Nearly 100 years ago, the first female student, Pierrine St. Claire Smith Byrd (Class of 1922), graduated from the College. It would be nearly half a century, in 1967, before the first Black women, Carrie Nesbitt Gibbs ’72 and Angela Brown Gilchrist ’72, were admitted. Change can be slow, often frustratingly so. Gender Equity Week and yearlong efforts by campus partners ensure it never stalls.
All Gender Equity Week events will be hosted via Zoom and are open to everyone:
- Monday, March 8, at 6 p.m.: International Women’s Day Panel #ChooseToChallenge; Zoom link: https://cofc.zoom.us/j/92791005734 (Meeting ID: 927 9100 5734)
- Tuesday, March 9, 6 p.m.: Women Dominating in Male Dominated Fields; Zoom link: https://cofc.zoom.us/j/92791005734 (Meeting ID: 927 9100 5734)
- Wednesday, March 10, 4-5:30 p.m.: Salary Negotiation Workshop; Registration Required: https://cofc.joinhandshake.com/events/694112/share_preview
- Wednesday, March 10, 6 p.m.: Black Women Transforming Politics & Powers in the Deep South Registration; Required: https://cofc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtd-2tqDsuEt09s6wKgaRei0iDY_vxZI_O
- Thursday, March 11, at 5-6 p.m.: We Goin’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching & the Pursuit of Educational Freedom; Registration Required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/we-gon-be-alright-but-that-aint-alright-abolitionist-teaching-tickets-141741305059
- Thursday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m.: Please, Call Me By My Name! Workshop for Legal Name Changes, Gender Marker Changes, and CofC Name and Pronoun Changes; Zoom link: https://cofc.zoom.us/j/92791005734 (Meeting ID: 927 9100 5734)
- Friday, March 12, at 6 p.m.: “Excuse Me, I’m Speaking!” Open Mic Celebration; Zoom link: https://cofc.zoom.us/j/92791005734 (Meeting ID: 927 9100 5734)