The 2020-21 academic year was unlike any other in CofC’s 251-year history, but through a combination of innovation, hard work and lots of cooperation, students, staff and faculty came through it with heads held high. “There have been just so many people involved and so many ways people have contributed, it is difficult to communicate how much has gone in to keeping the campus community safe,” says Bridget McLernon Sykes, COVID-19 lead for Student Health Services, who coordinated it all. “Who knew we all had full-time jobs before all this!?!”
Number of COVID testing events: 38
Number of tests administered: ~ 10,000
Number of masks distributed: 67,340
Vaccination clinics: 10
Number of vaccines administered: 2,073
Number of hand sanitizer bottles purchased: 25,612
Number of volunteers for testing events: 131
Meals delivered to students in isolation/quarantine: 15,738
Packages of wipes used: 749
Rounds of virtual town halls: 21
*Data current as of May 2021. Information is subject to change.

A CofC student gets the first of two shots of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.