School of Business marketing professor Ya You has been recognized for her research into electronic, word-of-mouth (eWOM) marketing.
Members of the Journal of Marketing editorial board awarded You and two research colleagues with the Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award for 2015, which recognizes work that contributes to the advancement of marketing practices.
The Journal of Marketing is the premier, broad-based, scholarly journal of the marketing discipline, and its board members honored You’s research into the influence wielded by blogs, social media and consumer product reviews when it comes to product sales.
You, along with researchers Gautham G. Vadakkepatt and Amit M. Joshi, used 51 existing studies from marketing, management and information systems to generate hypotheses and generalize the effectiveness of eWOM on product sales. In particular, they compared the effectiveness of eWOM in different platform, product and industry contexts.
For more information on You’s findings, visit the School of Business.