Monday, February 4, 2013 is Education Day, and nearly 2,000 4th-8th graders from across the tri-county area will gather at TD Arena to learn more about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs and cheer on the College of Charleston Women’s Basketball team in their game against the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Doors open at 9:30 a.m and tip-off is at 11:30 a.m. Admission is free to students, teachers and family.
“Events like this are meant to energize and excite these students about the opportunities that exist for them and to help them to prepare for the challenges they will meet,” says Jim Deavor, Associate Dean of the School of Sciences and Mathematics.
STEM activities will begin at 9:45 a.m. and end at 10:45 a.m and will include a paper airplane competition, chemistry demonstrations and hands-on activities from the South Carolina Aquarium, MUSC, NASA and the following College departments: Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Grice Marine Laboratory, Center for Partnerships and Education, Computer Science, Geology, NASA, Physics and Astronomy, and the School of Education Health and Human Performance.
“STEM Education is important in preparing both the next generation of new scientists and engineers, but also in educating all of these future voters and consumers so that they make wise decisions. The issues of today of energy, environment, and health will still be with us. To appropriately address these issues these students need a proper foundation in science and mathematics so that they can create and apply the engineering and technology of the future in the most productive way possible.”
To register for Education Day, call 843.953.3926 or email For more information contact Jim Deavor at 843.953.8095 or