As a precautionary action due to expected ice and snow, the College of Charleston will be closed on Wednesday, January 29, and all classes, labs and activities are canceled. This includes the Main Campus, North Campus, Patriots Point, Grice Marine Lab, and the Lowcountry Graduate Center. Almost all campus offices will be closed.
All non-essential employees are excused from reporting to work. Essential employees such as public safety, physical plant, residence hall and food service staff should check with their supervisors.
The College anticipates reopening on a normal schedule on Thursday, January 30. Students and employees should check the College’s website on Wednesday for updated information, and the College will use the CougarAlert system for updates.
All residence halls will remain open on Wednesday.
The Fresh Food Company dining facility will open at 9 a.m. on Wednesday and remain open all day. Dining facilities in the Stern Student Center and City Bistro will be open on Tuesday, and every effort will be made to open these locations on Wednesday.
The library will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Students, faculty and staff will receive an email from the Provost’s Office with information about class make-up days.
Anyone needing assistance should contact the Department of Public Safety at 953-5611 (emergency) or 953-5609 (non-emergency).