Student Health Services is offering the COVID-19 vaccine free to College of Charleston students during a series of vaccine clinics this summer.

The first clinic is scheduled for Thursday, May 13, 2021. Additional clinics will be held on May 19, May 25, June 10, June 22, July 13, July 27, Aug. 5 and Aug. 19. Students can schedule an appointment for any of the clinic dates by logging into their student health portal account:

  • Log into
  • Click on the appointments tab (top middle of patient portal menu bar)
  • Scroll down to appointment reason box, select “Covid Vaccine Administration”
  • Select “Student Health Services Online Scheduling”, Select Covid Vaccine as Reason, Click Submit
  • Select your preferred date by clicking on the date on the calendar, and then select your preferred time. Complete required forms to confirm your appointment.

Both the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines will be available at the clinics and students will be able to select the vaccine they receive once they arrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have some questions about the vaccines, where can I find information about them? Please visit the SC DHEC website for more vaccine information:

I’ve already received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine through other means. Can I make an appointment to receive a second dose at this on-campus clinic? Yes. If you previously received the Moderna vaccine, please select an appointment for a second-dose appointment. We are unable to accommodate second-dose Pfizer vaccine appointments.