The College of Charleston COVID-19 Leadership Team shared the following message with the campus community on Tuesday, May 18, 2021:

Dear Campus Community,

In light of new guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention late last week, the College is updating its COVID-19 protocols for indoor and outdoor spaces on campus. The following requirements and guidelineapply to all members of campus, contractors and visitors and will go into effect on Wednesday, May 19: 

  • For individuals who are not fully vaccinatedmasks will continue to be required in all indoor spaces unless working alone in a private office. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated will not be required to wear a mask outdoors if they are socially distanced, traveling alone on campus and not part of a group. Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks after receiving the second of a two-dose series or two weeks after receiving a singledose vaccine. 
  • For individuals who are fully vaccinated, masks and social distancing are not required in indoor spaces on campus for gatherings of up to 30 people. 
    • For individuals who are fully vaccinated, masks and social distancing are not required in outdoor spaces on campus. 
    • Individuals who are fully vaccinated may participate in office meetings and small group discussions in person without the need for masks or social distancing, provided that a virtual option is offered for any individuals who are not able to participate in person. 
  • Face masks and social distancing (based on COVID-19 capacity) will continue to be required for scheduled academic instruction inside classrooms and for indoor gatherings of more than 30 people until further notice.  
  • Individuals who wish to wear masks are free to do so, regardless of vaccination statusMembers of the campus community should respect an individual’s decision to wear a mask, regardless of the reasons. 
  • The College strongly encourages all members of campus community to get vaccinated. Free vaccine clinics for students are being offered on campus throughout the summer. Visit the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control website to find vaccine distribution sites throughout the state. 

In following these new campus guidelines, we ask that everyone please adhere to the College’s core value of integrity. We expect that all will follow the policy related to their own vaccination status.    

In keeping with these changes, the College will remove signage around campus stating that masks and social distancing are required. The College’s Back on the Bricks website will also be updated accordingly.

While these changes are another positive sign that the pandemic is easing in the United Stateseveryone should continue to take basic precautions such as regular handwashingcovering coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick.

Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our campus safe.


CofC COVID-19 Leadership Team