Get Moving With CofC’s Bike Share Program
Since the fall of 2013, the Bike Share program has provided the College of Charleston community with a free and sustainable method of transportation.
Since the fall of 2013, the Bike Share program has provided the College of Charleston community with a free and sustainable method of transportation.
A step-by-step tutorial for Charleston's newest and largest bike share, Holy Spokes.
Students returning to campus for spring semester will find several new bike racks as well as increased enforcement of rules for skateboarders and bicyclists.
Charleston's population is growing exponentially, which has prompted a recent transportation study and proposed city-wide bike share. MES/MPA student Aaron Holly weighs in.
Bike share programs are popping up from coast to coast. And with the arrival of warmer spring weather in Charleston, there's no better time to check out the College of Charleston's Bike Share program. It's good for the environment, and it's a free service for faculty, staff, and students. Plus, it's a great way to start getting in shape for beach season.