Q&A With the College’s First Ph.D. Student
When the College launched its first-ever doctoral program, Mathematics with Computation, Lauren Tubbs ’14, ’19 (M.S. ’16) jumped on the opportunity to enroll. Check out this Q&A!
When the College launched its first-ever doctoral program, Mathematics with Computation, Lauren Tubbs ’14, ’19 (M.S. ’16) jumped on the opportunity to enroll. Check out this Q&A!
From the testing of flood water contaminants in Charleston to the study of witchcraft and medicine to the use of mathematical models to target brain cancer, students at the College are getting a variety of hands-on experiences through Summer Undergraduate Research with Faculty (SURF) grants.
Goings on around campus.
Chatbots offer tremendous potential for improving traditional teaching methods and shaping the future of education.
College of Charleston student Latherial Calbert had never been overseas until an exchange program with American University Cairo landed him on another continent, in a culture a world away from his own.
Mentoring gets paid forward, resulting in real-life experience and careers in data science for alumnae Erin Langenstein ’19 (M.S. ’20) and Brianna Brunson ’20 (M.S. '21).
Thanks to support from the College's Center for Academic Performance and Persistence, Bryan Rickens returned as a student after struggling academically and is now poised to graduate next year with a degree in data science.
What are the best March Madness shots of all time? Four CofC math students give you the answer.
Beginning this fall, students will be able to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in software engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in statistics.
The College offered Joe Brennan not just the opportunity for the interdisciplinary studies that he wanted, but the support from faculty, staff and even scholarships that he needed.