14 07, 2014

Alumnus Worked Behind the Scenes on President’s Road to White House

By |2020-02-25T13:06:06-05:00July 14, 2014|Academics, Alumni, Campus Life|Comments Off on Alumnus Worked Behind the Scenes on President’s Road to White House

As Republicans and Democrats make plans for their parties’ 2016 national conventions, College of Charleston alumnus Geoff Yost ’12 looks back on his brush with this all-important American political tradition.

9 05, 2014

Busy Student-Athlete, Student Media Editor Thrives Under Pressure

By |2020-02-25T13:06:17-05:00May 9, 2014|Academics, Athletics, Campus Life|Comments Off on Busy Student-Athlete, Student Media Editor Thrives Under Pressure

Nicole DeMarco has made the most of her time at the College, participating in athletics, student media, student government, a sorority and multiple study abroad trips. She's headed for The Hague this summer.

28 04, 2014

From Student Media to Hollywood Video Editor

By |2015-04-06T15:33:44-04:00April 28, 2014|Academics, Campus Life|Comments Off on From Student Media to Hollywood Video Editor

After helping the College of Charleston develop its first student-run television station as an undergraduate, Hunter Via ‘99 went to Hollywood and launched a successful career as a video editor.