Frances Welch, interim provost of the College of Charleston, sent the following message to the College of Charleston community on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019:
Good Morning,
As you have already heard, Trisha Folds-Bennett has accepted the position of provost and vice chancellor for academic Aafairs at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise following an extensive and successful career at the College of Charleston. While we are sad to see an esteemed member of our community depart, we are anxious to begin the search process for the next individual who will take on this important role [of Honors College dean].
I would like to extend my thanks to Gibbs Knotts, interim dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, who has kindly agreed to serve as the chair of the Honors Dean Search Committee. As such, we would like to invite all faculty, staff and Honors Advisory Board members to an open forum next Monday, Nov. 25, 4–5 p.m. in the Rita Liddy Hollings Science Center, room 101, to get your opinions on the search process, members of the search committee and types of candidates for the next Honors dean.
I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to provide valuable feedback to the committee chair and academic leadership team.
Frances C. Welch