PEBA OE 2020


The open enrollment period for PEBA insurance benefits is Oct. 1–31, 2020. During open enrollment, permanent full-time employees who are currently eligible for insurance benefits may change their coverage for the following year.

Employees are encouraged to review their current coverage, the 2021 insurance summary and their open enrollment options on the PEBA insurance website. If satisfied with your current coverage, no action is required.

The 2020 open enrollment options include:

  • Health Insurance: You may change from one health plan to another, enroll yourself or any eligible dependents and drop health coverage for yourself or any dependents.
  • Vision Insurance: You may enroll in or drop the State Vision Plan coverage for yourself and/or your eligible dependents.
  • Additional Life Insurance: You may enroll in or drop Dependent Life–Child coverage; drop or decrease Optional Life and/or Dependent Life–Spouse coverage; and/or enroll in or increase Optional Life coverage and/or Dependent Life–Spouse coverage.
  • Supplemental Long-Term Disability (SLTD) Coverage: You may enroll in SLTD without medical evidence, change your benefit waiting period for existing coverage without medical evidence and drop existing coverage.
  • MoneyPlus: You may enroll in or cancel the MoneyPlus Pretax Group Insurance Premium feature. You may also enroll in or drop a Health Savings Account and re-enroll, enroll or drop the following flexible spending accounts: Medical Spending, Limited-use Spending and Dependent Care Spending.

Please note: If you add a family member to your coverage, you must document his/her relationship to you and either upload the copied documents to MyBenefits or send them to Human Resources.

There are three ways to make changes during the open enrollment period:

  1. MyBenefits: Log onto MyBenefits and make changes online. You will need to register if you don’t already have a MyBenefits account. Learn how to register through this benefits flyer. After making your enrollment changes online, be sure to print the confirmation page for your records.
  2. Notice of Election (NOE) FormComplete the NOE form, marking only the changes you are going to make in the “Coverage” section of the form and listing all your covered dependents in the “Dependents” section. Send the completed form to Human Resources.
  3. Human Resources Benefits Counselor: Contact either Julie Birt or Sandy Butler: 843.953.5512.

Any changes made during open enrollment take effect Jan. 1, 2021. If you need assistance, please contact a benefit counselor in Human Resources, Julie Birt or Sandy Butler, at 843.953.5512.