The Office of Budgeting and Payroll Services is offering several training opportunities in the new year. These include Budget 101 User Training – Finance Foundations & Banner Self-Service and Budget 201 User Training – Internet Native Banner, Transfers, NSF, Transaction Details..

Budget 101 User Training is offered monthly. Designed to inform participants how to run budget queries in Banner Self-Service Finance, the training will explain basic finance terminology, best practices for budgeting and provide guided budgeting exercises. The training also includes an open lab session in which participants may delve further into budget queries accessing the department’s financial transactions. Other valuable finance reporting tools, including Cognos and e-Print, are also introduced.

The following Budget 101 User Training dates are currently available for registration:

  • Wednesday, July 21, 10–11:30 a.m. (TBD)
  • Thursday, Aug. 19, 2–3:30 p.m. (TBD)

Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged. The registration form is available on the budgeting and payroll services website.

Please note that employees must have the Banner Finance tab in order to take part in this training. If you do not have a Banner Finance tab, please obtain Banner Finance access before registering. For access, complete the Banner SBB Authorization Request form on the controller’s webpage. To obtain access to an Index, update the users via the Index/FOP Access form.

Budget 201 User Training is offered on an as-needed basis. As the College’s more in-depth finance course, this training is designed to inform participants how to create budget transfers and see detailed financial information in INB as well as see available balances in regards to the new NSF Checker. It will demonstrate real-time transaction review and best budgeting practices to ensure users do not receive any NSFs errors.

The following Budget 201 User Training dates are currently available:

  • Tuesday, July 13, 10–11 a.m. (Zoom)
  • Wednesday, August 25, 2–3 p.m. (TBD)

The Budget 201 User Training Registration Form is available on the Office of Budgeting and Payroll Services webpage.

If you have further questions, or would like to request additional individual training time, please contact Lindsey Grandshaw at

Budgeting guides and full training information is also available on the Finance Training webpage.