After a few budget cycles of only being able to replace computers that were unserviceable, the College of Charleston’s traditional computer replacement program is back this fiscal year, with some new guidelines.

Historically, the computer replacement budget has been used to replace all computers that have been part of the institutional inventory. Moving forward, the computer replacement program will only be replacing one computer per user, designated as the individual’s primary machine. All additional computer purchases would need to be funded by the requesting department.

By designating a single, primary machine, the computer replacement budget will be able to impact a larger number of individuals on an annual basis. The goal is to replace several hundred computers this fiscal year, starting with those who have the oldest machines.

In the coming weeks, the Division of Information Technology (IT) will be contacting those who possess the oldest machines, and working with those individuals to identify their primary machine.

For additional information, please see the following IT Knowledge Base articles:

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