On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, College of Charleston President Andrew T. Hsu sent the following message to faculty and staff regarding upcoming brand presentations:

Dear Faculty and Staff,

As many of you may know, last year the Division of University Marketing and Enrollment Planning engaged Birdsall, Voss & Associates (BVK), an agency headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisc., to do a brand study for the College. The goal was to help us understand exactly who we are and what we stand for as a university, and how we can use that information to position ourselves in today’s competitive higher-education landscape.

The work has been completed and representatives from BVK are excited to share the results with the entire campus community.

We have scheduled two virtual meetings for Tuesday, April 19, one specifically for staff and one for faculty members.

  • Staff: at 11:00 a.m. Please use [the Zoom link shared in the April 13 email]
  • Faculty: at 3:00 p.m. Please use [the Zoom link shared in the April 13 email]

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions in the chat, and the events will be video recorded. A video recording of both sessions, as well as a PDF of the presentation slides, will be available after next Tuesday.

I also want to take this opportunity to stress how important it will be for everyone and every unit on campus to begin the work of adopting the new brand messages and design concepts. It’s when all of us unite around our understanding of who we are intrinsically that we can demonstrate our unique value as an institution and build our reputation as an innovative leader.



Andrew T. Hsu, Ph.D.
College of Charleston