The College of Charleston will host the 14th International Conference on Military Geosciences on campus June 20-24, 2022.

This week-long gathering, which is being orchestrated by the Collegeโ€™s Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences and the Desert Research Institute (DRI), will feature geologists and researchers from around the world and focus on a number of military-driven geoscience applications. Those include battlefield archaeology, geography, and reconstruction; vehicle/aircraft mobility in austere terrain settings; and resource characterization/acquisition (i.e., well-drilling, road/runway building, etc.), among others.

Brad Sion โ€™12, an assistant research professor at the DRI and one of the key organizers of the conference, explains that there are a lot of practical applications for the information that will be shared at the events.

โ€œThis conference is run by the International Association for Military Geosciences,โ€ he says. โ€œIn addition to bringing together researchers from locations around the globe, the proceedings highlight the cutting-edge work that is used by scholars and practitioners of military geology, geography and their associated fields. Charleston is a wonderful venue for this conference given its rich history and important coastal setting.โ€

For additional details about the conference, visit the conference website.