On Friday, March 3, 2023, College of Charleston President Andrew T. Hsu sent the following message about the Great Colleges to Work For survey to all faculty and staff:
Dear Campus Community:
I am pleased to announce that the College of Charleston will take part in the Great Colleges to Work For survey. The information gathered serves as a great opportunity to assess the climate of our campus. The data we gather will help inform our progress with the Employee Experience and Success pillar of our 10-year strategic plan.
On March 13, all employees will receive an email invitation from ModernThink, the firm conducting the survey. You can access the survey from an internet browser on or off campus; the survey is also mobile friendly.
In addition to reviewing our data, we will be able to compare our results to other colleges and universities participating in the survey. To ensure reliable comparative data, please complete the survey based on how you experienced our workplace and culture in spring 2023.
At the close of the program, we will receive topline reports summarizing our organizational competencies and relationships that most directly impact and influence our culture. Please feel free to review our institution’s previous Great Colleges to Work For survey results (2021, 2019, 2015 and 2013), which are posted on the College’s intranet, The Hub.
Please know that the survey is voluntary and completely confidential; our institution will not be able to trace results back to individuals. Your survey will be processed by ModernThink, an independent management consulting firm focusing on workplace quality in higher education.
I strongly encourage everyone to participate in the survey and to share your honest feedback. This is your chance to make your voice heard; a high response rate helps ensure a more accurate representation of community sentiment. Your participation will provide valuable input as we chart the future of our university.
If you have questions about the survey, please send an email to GreatColleges@cofc.edu or call my office at 843.953.5500.
Andrew T. Hsu, Ph.D.
College of Charleston