Alicia Caudill, executive vice president for student affairs at the College of Charleston, shared the following message with the campus community on Monday, June 6, 2022, announcing the College’s new Associate Vice President for student wellbeing and dean of students:

Dear Campus Community,

I am delighted to announce that effective in late July, Ann Almasi-Bush will become the Associate Vice President for Student Well-being and Dean of Students at the College of Charleston. Ann will provide leadership for the Office of the Dean of Students, the Counseling Center, the Center for Disability Services, the Collegiate Recovery Program, Victim Services, and the Office of Student Wellness and Well-being.

Ann currently serves as Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator at Aurora University, located in Aurora, IL. Ann has extensive professional experience in Student Affairs, including many years in Residence Life. In her roles, Ann enjoys advocating for students’ needs, and providing faculty and staff with tools to support and engage students.

Ann was selected through a competitive national search coordinated by our search committee which was chaired by Cande Cook. My gratitude to the members of the search committee and to the many members of our Student Affairs team, including Michael Duncan,  who will continue to fill interim leadership roles until Ann arrives.


Alicia Caudill

Alicia D. Caudill, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President for Student Affairs
College of Charleston