The Volvo Ocean Race is a special arena. Only a few dozen individuals are privileged to compete in this grueling, 44,000-mile sailboat race every four years. In the current edition of this globe-girdling odyssey, one of those people is former College of Charleston student Nick Dana. He’s the boat captain and bowman on board Team Alvimedica – the only U.S. entry in the entire seven-boat fleet.
As of today (Tuesday, May 5, 2015), Dana and his fellow teammates are shredding northward, 300 miles off the East Coast of the U.S. They’re doing everything possible to wring speed from their high-tech, 65-foot steed as they race neck and neck with the rest of the fleet toward the finish of Leg Six in Newport, R.I. The first finisher is expected to arrive on May 7.
After a brief respite in New England, the race will restart on May 17, and the fleet will head east, across the North Atlantic to Lisbon, Portugal. The College Today contacted Dana earlier in the race for an at-sea interview. See what he had to say about his time at the College in the video below.