There’s so much happening on the College of Charleston campus that we’d like to take a moment to look back at some of our favorite photos from the week.

Flowers are blooming all over campus — even in February.

Activist Bree Newsome came to campus for her discussion “Tearing Hatred From The Sky.”

Geology professor Cassandra Runyon is helping NASA launch a new educational project.

When communication major Courtney Hicks first came to College of Charleston, she had a vision for a community to serve minority populations on campus.

Professor Melissa Hughes identified a campus visitor: “That’s a Red-Tailed Hawk! They’re one of the more common birds of prey in urban areas; they like to eat squirrels and pigeons, and they’re pretty tolerant of humans. There was a pair nesting on the steeple of Grace Church a few years ago, and I’ve seen them hunting on campus several times.”