Edward Pope, vice president of human resources at the College of Charleston, shared the following message with College of Charleston staff members on August 7, 2020:

Dear Staff:

I am writing to share some important information with you.

COVID-19 Special Request for Accommodation Process

We recognize that the global COVID-19 pandemic presents many challenges for us as individuals, our families and other loved ones and our greater community. As a part of the College of Charleston’s efforts to protect and support our Cougar community, we see the clear need to be mindful of those among us who may be at a higher risk for severe symptoms or otherwise being severely impacted by COVID-19.

It is in this spirit that the College has developed a COVID-19 Special Request for Accommodation process for staff. There is also a separate but similar process for faculty. Accommodations under this process may include, but are not limited to, tele-commuting (where feasible), partial remote work/alternating days, staggered schedule, or flexible work schedule. Accommodations must be approved by the leadership in your division. COVID-19 Special Accommodations are temporary in duration and will be adjusted as conditions warrant.

For more information about the COVID-19 Special Request for Accommodation, including information about how to request a temporary accommodation using the DocuSign request form, please visit the College’s Back-on-the-Bricks website HERE.  Be sure to use the STAFF request form and be careful to enter your correct supervisor and department head email addresses as this will determine the electronic form routing for approval.  If you have further questions about this, please contact your supervisor or department head.

Leave Options

For questions regarding emergency paid sick leave, expanded FMLA, FMLA, sick leave, annual leave, please refer to the FFCRA leave guidance on the College’s Back-on-the-Bricks website HERE or contact the Office of Human Resources at 843-953-5512.



Vice President of Human Resources

College of Charleston