College of Charleston President Andrew T. Hsu shared the following message with faculty and staff on Monday, May 24, 2021:


Dear Faculty and Staff,

I hope you are doing well.

As I announced earlier in the spring semester, at the recommendation of the Historical Review Taskforce, we are forming a standing Committee on Commemoration and Landscapes in order to tell a more complete and more inclusive story of our institution’s past.

In an effort to enhance shared governance and broaden representation across campus, I am seeking nominations or self-nominations for committee members to participate in this important work. Given the desire to keep the size of the committee manageable, a selection process will begin by June 1, 2021, and an endorsement from your supervisor or dean is recommended.

I understand that many faculty members are unavailable during the summer, so we will repeat this call for participation at the beginning of the fall semester. Our hope is that a preliminary committee will start this important work over the summer.

If you are interested in serving on the Committee on Commemoration and Landscapes, please email me by June 1, 2021, at to be considered.

I am excited about the work of this committee and how it will help make our campus even more welcoming and inclusive to our students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors.



Andrew T. Hsu, Ph.D.
College of Charleston