6 06, 2014

College’s Shark Experts Present at Sharks International Symposium

By |2020-02-25T13:06:11-05:00June 6, 2014|Academics, Campus Life|Comments Off on College’s Shark Experts Present at Sharks International Symposium

Five scientists with College of Charleston ties presented in front of the world's leading shark and ray researchers, who represent 22 countries.

27 05, 2014

Expert: Why Print and Digital Will Live Happily Ever After

By |2015-03-25T09:24:13-04:00May 27, 2014|Academics|Comments Off on Expert: Why Print and Digital Will Live Happily Ever After

A recent Slate article speculates that a library without books seems inevitable. College of Charleston Libraries Dean John White respectfully disagrees. He predicts that won’t happen anytime soon – if at all.