11 07, 2023

A Salute to the College’s Recently Retired Staff and Faculty

By |2023-07-12T11:18:54-04:00July 11, 2023|Faculty Staff News|Comments Off on A Salute to the College’s Recently Retired Staff and Faculty

A huge thank-you and congratulations to the 26 faculty and staff members who retired between Jan. 1 and June 30, 2023.

3 07, 2023

Humanities and Social Sciences Dean Discusses Collaborations and Achievements on Faculty, Staff Podcast

By |2023-10-06T16:09:03-04:00July 3, 2023|Faculty Staff News|Comments Off on Humanities and Social Sciences Dean Discusses Collaborations and Achievements on Faculty, Staff Podcast

Gibbs Knotts, dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, is featured on the latest episode of the podcast, 'Inside the College of Charleston.'

28 06, 2023

Summer Sailing Camps, Classes Discounted for CofC Employees

By |2023-06-28T14:10:44-04:00June 28, 2023|General News|Comments Off on Summer Sailing Camps, Classes Discounted for CofC Employees

The College of Charleston Sailing Program offers faculty and staff a 10% discount on all summer sailing programs – including the Youth Sailing Camps and the Community Basic Keelboat classes for adults, among others.

22 06, 2023

CofC Athletics Named NACMA Marketing Team of the Year

By |2023-06-22T16:11:30-04:00June 22, 2023|General News|Comments Off on CofC Athletics Named NACMA Marketing Team of the Year

The National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators (NACMA) has recognized the College of Charleston's athletics marketing and external operations team with the title of NACMA Group 2 Marketing Team of the Year.

22 06, 2023

CofC Employees Recognized for Representing ‘The Cistern Standard’

By |2023-06-22T14:31:28-04:00June 22, 2023|Faculty Staff News|Comments Off on CofC Employees Recognized for Representing ‘The Cistern Standard’

Since March 2023, more than 100 employees have recognized their colleagues from across campus through 'The Cistern Standard' employee recognition program.

12 06, 2023

CofC Receives STARS Silver Rating for Its Sustainability Achievements

By |2023-06-13T14:10:48-04:00June 12, 2023|General News, News Briefs|Comments Off on CofC Receives STARS Silver Rating for Its Sustainability Achievements

The College of Charleston has earned a STARS Silver rating in recognition of its sustainability achievements from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.

8 06, 2023

Staff Recognized at Annual Celebration

By |2023-09-28T17:09:27-04:00June 8, 2023|Faculty Staff News|Comments Off on Staff Recognized at Annual Celebration

More than 200 staff members attended the College of Charleston’s annual Staff Celebration Lunch and Awards Presentation on June 6, 2023, where nine people were honored with Staff Awards and appreciation was expressed for all.