2 05, 2018

Science Students Launch Recycling Program for Rubber Gloves

By |2020-02-25T12:58:35-05:00May 2, 2018|Academics, Campus Life|Comments Off on Science Students Launch Recycling Program for Rubber Gloves

Evan Bailey and Caroline Gilmer were bothered by the number of nitrile gloves discarded at the College, so they found a way to have the majority of them recycled.

29 01, 2018

‘Narrating Charleston on the Margins’ Series Debuts with Lecture on Harry Hervey

By |2020-02-25T12:58:56-05:00January 29, 2018|Campus Life|Comments Off on ‘Narrating Charleston on the Margins’ Series Debuts with Lecture on Harry Hervey

The spring 2018 Faculty Lecture Series “Narrating Charleston on the Margins” will kickoff this Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018, with a lecture on author Harry Hervey.